Cell Phone Accessories, Charger Information.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

AA-TCM 52,000 "VERY URGENT" Saturday Edition June 3rd, 2006

AA-TCM 52,000 "VERY URGENT" Saturday Edition June 3rd, 2006
Just as we predicted we went over 50,000 Demonstrators in...
"Less Than 30 Business Days"
$$$ RUMOR HAS IT...MAJOR Leaders will be bringing their teams into aaTCM...
This means everyone's... Binary Power Leg will GROW...$$$ RUMOR ALSO HAS IT...
That aaTCM is introducing something very big in less than TWO WEEKS that will
Double if NOT Triple everyone's current Earnings in The UNI-LEVEL Front End
and in The BINARY Back End of The Plan...In Order To Work This All Out
EVERYTHING IS EXTENDED...Binary Position Extended Until 06/20/2006
25% Interest Program EXTENDED Until 06/09/2006
Current International Shipping Prices EXTENDED Until 06/09/2006
ONLY 12 to 15 $300,000 RDCs Needed to cover The Whole USA
We will guarantee every RDC $20,000 A Month Minimum Income
Or aaTCM will Pay The Difference
A $600,000 RDC earns $40,000 a Month...
OHIO, Florida, Phoenix and Northern California are gone...
Terry Anderson who is the same Terry Anderson who was held hostage by Lebanon for 8 Years is our NEWEST RDC Owner for The Ohio Area... Read all about Terry's ordeal on The Internet... Terry is a long time friend of Norman Dockeroff and to have TERRY step up to the plate for our MLM Associates in OHIO is very EXCITING... To have a man of Terry Anderson's stature and credibility is an HONOR for aaTCM. Thank You Terry from all of us here at aaTCM Inc... You are an asset to our Company and Team... for more on Terry Anderson just go to Google and put Terry Anderson Lebanon...
The #1 Reason For The TWO WEEK EXTENTION is...
So many people needed more time to get their Award Levels Qualified so that they would over-ride sales on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Levels in The Uni-Level Program. Plus with THE POSSIBILITY of Tens Of Thousands or more people coming into aaTCM in the next TWO WEEKS... we wanted them to take advantage of The BINARY POWER LEG... HOWEVER... Please remember unlike other Binary Plans our strength is in The Front End Uni-Level... YES many will make a LOT OF MONEY in The Binary but MANY MORE will earn MUCH MORE in The Front End Uni-Level... Some have even earned in excess of SIX FIGURES... Remember you may give away 100's even 1000's of self replicating sites to your personal prospects and customers... ALL for 100% FREE...


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Charge Your Cellphone Safely Anywhere !

Turbo Charge: Grade AA Cell Phone Savior

Charge Your Cellphone Safely Anywhere !
The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.
If there's one thing you don't want to see in the middle of a long business travel day is the "low battery" warning on your cell phone. With luck--really bad luck--your phone charger will be miles away or packed with your luggage and you won't have a spare battery handy.
The chances that you will find the right battery for your cell phone at an airport news stand or hotel convenience store are quite slim, but the odds of finding a store selling common AA batteries, even in the dead of the night, are probably quite good.
That's where the Turbo Charge from Voxred International LLC of Fairfield, New Jersey comes in. The silver-bullet-shaped Turbo Charge can bring a dead phone back to life with the aid of just about any type of AA battery. The Turbo Charge was shown at a New York preview event for the upcoming 2006 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (Jan 5-8).
Truthfully, the only difference between you and phone experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to Cellphone Chargers.
The key feature of the Turbo Charge, according to Voxred, is the unit's patent-pending Dual AlgorChip technology, which detects the power needs of the phone and delivers just the power that it needs, thus protecting the phone from overcharging. Included with the unit is an adapter cord of your choice. Additional adapter cords are available at an extra cost.
The body of the Turbo Charge isn't much larger than the single AA battery that fits into it. Using the Turbo Charge is simple: You insert an AA battery into one end, replace the end cap, insert the adapter cord into the other and then attach the entire assembly to your phone. A flashing blue light confirms that your phone is charging. If the battery doesn't have enough power left to charge you phone, the blue light goes out.
No, the Turbo Charge sure isn't the first cell phone charger to use AA batteries but it's definitely one of the smaller and more elegant-looking solutions.

Now that wasn't hard at all, was it? And you've earned a wealth of knowledge, just from taking some time to study an expert's word on Cellphone Chargers.

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This article was brought to you by John Bowyer of TeamGlobal Marketing
Photo © Voxred International LLC